The annual blood drive invites everyone to donate and honor the victims of a tragic mosque attack.
This year marks their third annual blood drive, and everyone is invited to join in and donate. Blood drives are happening until January 31st at various locations, including Laval, Kirkland, and Globules Versailles.
Salam El-Mousawi, co-founder of Muslim Awareness Week, expressed the spirit of giving, saying, “We’re giving part of us to save others.” He emphasized the importance of peaceful integration and dialogue among communities.
Under the theme “share blood, share hope,” El-Mousawi and his team are eager to encourage more people to donate blood, regardless of their background.
Héma-Québec representatives highlight the value of diverse donors, stating that it strengthens the community. Faouzi Rezagui, a partnership advisor, noted that every 80 seconds, someone in Quebec needs a blood transfusion, making donations crucial.
On the first day of the drive, six people donated, and interest is growing as more appointments are being requested.
For those interested in participating, Muslim Awareness Week has planned various events, including panel discussions, community center visits, movie screenings, and a ceremony to remember the victims of the past tragedy. El-Mousawi also mentioned art exhibitions and seminars on important topics like Bill 21 at McGill University.